We are launching a new Inter-University Student Tournament, based on an Economics Game!
(simulations close to those that are described here: https://lud.io).
Last year, Eötvös Loránd University won the tournament, Amherst College was second and HEC Montréal completed the podium (all finalists and ranking). Will you follow them?
The qualification phase consists in playing a few years of a mono-player simulation, between January the 27th and April the 9th, 2020 (vs robots behaving like humans did, in previous experiments). You can play when you want, at your own pace. The 24 best teams (with the additional constraint of a maximum of 5 teams per university/campus) have been qualified for the finals (and scores will be reset):
- Agrocampus ouest (3 teams)
- AgroParisTech
- D’overbroeck’s college
- Enac (3 teams)
- ENP Alger (5 teams)
- Mines Albi
- IMT Atlantique (2 teams)
- Information Technology University
- International School Ho Chi Minh City
- Lexington High School
- Loras College
- University of California Los Angeles
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2 teams)
- University of Tirana
(unranked list)
The finals will be played between May the 12th and May the 21th, 2020.
Both phases are played online.
The winning team will be awarded a voucher around 300€ as a first prize (on amazon or a similar site).
Students can participate on their own, with no need for support from their instructors: The game will require some strategic thinking but there is no prerequisite in economics.
This should be fun, so join the tournament!
Teams (1-4 players) from any university or school are welcome to participate. This year, there is no limit on the number of teams from the same university. You can register on this page (deadline for registration: Thursday, April the 2nd, 2020).