The 24 teams to qualify for the Finals of the Economics Tournament are:
- Agrocampus ouest (3 teams)
- AgroParisTech
- D’overbroeck’s college
- Enac (3 teams)
- ENP Alger (5 teams)
- Mines Albi
- IMT Atlantique (2 teams)
- Information Technology University
- International School Ho Chi Minh City
- Lexington High School
- Loras College
- University of California Los Angeles
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2 teams)
- University of Tirana
(unranked list)
We would like to thank the teams who did not qualify, for taking part in our tournament and we hope that you found it fun!
Scores are now reset, for the Final that will take place next month. The finalists will receive instructions by regular email.
Good luck to all!