Inter-University Student Tournament: Rankings
… And the Winner of the 2019-20 Economics Tournament is … University of California Los Angeles!! The 2 teams from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid also stand on the podium, in 2nd and 3rd position! Here is the complete ranking of the Final: University of California Los Angeles Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 1 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2 ENP Alger 5 University of Tirana ENP Alger 2 ENAC 1 IMT Atlantique 1 ENAC 3 ENAC 2 d’Overbroeck’s ENP Alger 3 Agrocampus Ouest 3 Loras College ENP Alger 4 AgroParisTech IMT Atlantique 2 ITU Punjab Lexington HS ENP Alger 1 ISHCMC IMT Mines Albi … (Agrocampus Ouest 1 and 2 quanlified but did not play the final). Congratulations to you all, this was a tough competition! Scores are posted here: by